How do I create a newsletter?

Opening Note:

Startup Grind is using Bevy as our community platform, and thus as event management tool. As a software platform, Bevy is evolving everyday, thus the best place to look for updated content and instruction about Bevy, is the platforms help portal.

While the following article can still help, few features, names and appearance may have changed. To see current and updated information about Setting up Events, please refer to the following link at Bevy's help portal.

Follow these instructions:

  1. Click on your chapter
  2. Click on “Emails”
  3. “Sent” Tab = Shows all the newsletters that have been successfully sent
  4. “Drafts” Tab = All the newsletters that have been written & saved, but not sent
  5. Click here to “Create a New Email”
  6. Subject line of your newsletter
  7. When newsletter was sent (or whether it’s been scheduled)
  8. Amount of times newsletter was opened
  9. Amount of times people clicked on links in your newsletter
  10. How many people the newsletter was delivered to
  11. Amount of people that unsubscribed

Creating the Newsletters

  1. Click on your chapter
  2. Click on “Create Emails”
  3. Enter the “FROM NAME” – preferably your Chapter’s name
  4. Enter the “FROM EMAIL” – This will be your Startup Grind Email address

– If you do not have a startup grind email, type in “”

– When you send a “Test” email, it will send the email to the email address that is specified in the “Sender Email” box

5. Select your Audience

Add Rich Text

  1. Fill in an applicable, eye catching (preferably short) Subject line for your newsletter
  2. Fill in the message that you wish to send the recipients of the email. Keep it short and to the point, please don’t type full essays, people don’t read them
  3. If you highlight a section of text, the “Rich Text” editor will appear
  4. Clicking on “Bold” will make the highlighted text *BOLD* etc.

Add Image

Just drag and drop an image from your local hard drive into the text area. 

Please remember to resize your photos before uploading (max width: 600px) to ensure it doesn't break the rest of the format.

Image file size is also important (preferrably less than 200KB per image) as this lead to longer loading times, thus lower click rate.

Delete Featured Events (if desired)

Choose which events your wish to be included in your email

  1. Clicking on the (x) will remove that event from this newsletter

Re-order Sponsors & Partners

  1. Click here to add a sponsor
  2. Drag and drop the sponsors to be in correct order
  3. (continue)
  4. Click (x) if you wish to remove the sponsor from this newsletter
  5. Click here to choose a partner
  6. Feel free to re-order the partners
  7. Click (x) to remove the partner
  8. Click on “Save Draft” in order to save the draft.
  9. Only AFTER clicking “Save Draft” will the “Send Test” be visible.

Clicking on Send Test will send an email to the “Senders Email” address, as set earlier, higher up on this page.

  1. Once you are happy with how it looks, and checked ALL spelling mistakes, and ensure the content is relevant, then hit the “Save & Schedule” button.

Sending a Test Email

  1. Go back to your Startup Grind Email
  2. Select Inbox, this will refresh page, and bring in newly arrived TEST email
  3. Here you’ll see your newsletters subject Line
  4. Here you can see the “From Name” & “From Email”
  5. Once again, the newsletters subject line
  6. Your content will appear here
  7. Upcoming events will be visible under the content
  8. If you scroll further down, you’ll see the sponsors and partners