Banners & roll-ups?

Banners are a centerpiece of every event and fireside chat. It is important to have a great banner so people know where they are (easily identifiable in videos and photos taken by the media in the audience as well!) and also represent the high quality of the event itself.

As long as you use the correct art files included in your custom art assets (in your Google drive) and print it the correct size (33×80 inches) minimum, you are free to use whichever vendor you like.

We typically recommend FedEx Kinkos in the US, as our art assets are tailored to their banner sizes. Still any print shop should be able to use the assets to print out a standard retractable banner. Tip: If you are US based check out - their “regular stand” banner is affordable and works well.  They often have sales, too.

There are a few brand guidelines to keep in mind when it comes to the Startup Grind banner

It is important to remember that you cannot add logos, sell it to sponsors, or alter the banner art assets in any way. Other sponsor banners cannot be placed in the center of the stage or next to the Startup Grind banner. You are free to set them off to the side or somewhere else in the room, but they cannot be inside the camera angle.