How do I invoice Startup Grind for my event payment?


Make sure that your Payoneer account is properly set up. The Payoneer account needs to be created with your email address, and you are assigned as payment lead in the chapter settings.

Note: You can set up a Payoneer account by going to DASHBOARD> SETTINGS > PAYMENT

All the invoices and payments are processed by Startup Grind HQ.


After wrapping up the event by filling the required details in the wrap up tab, please go to PAYMENT tab to submit the event invoice for processing.

The invoice number for the event ticket sales is automatically generated. All on-platform ticket sales details will be picked automatically, however for tickets sold externally (on the door, 3rd party ticket platforms, or any other channel), you need to fill in the ticket quantity and revenue information. 

For tickets sold externally; fill in the quality in “Qty. Tickets sold off Platform”; and total revenue  in the "At the door / off platform revenue" boxes.

Lastly, hit “SUBMIT TO PROCESS” button at the bottom of them page. This will generate the invoice and once processed we will send the money to your Payoneer account. If you do not select "Submit to Process" you will not get paid. 

Note that the “SUBMIT TO PROCESS” button will be enabled only if you have first setup your Payoneer account.

It's super easy. Do this after every single event, please. :-)
1)  Dashboard (log in with your SG email) >  Events (choose one of the completed one and click on it)

2)  Payment > fill out the numbers

3) Select "SUBMIT TO PROCESS" - if you do not select this, you won't get paid.