Lesson #11: Global Community + Google

You are part of a {BIG} family now :)

With all the time you have spent thinking about how you are going to make a difference in your city you likely have a pretty clear vision of that right now.  Let’s take a minute to expand that - you are now part of a GLOBAL network of key influencers.

Our mission at Startup Grind is to help every entrepreneur on the planet.  We can’t do that without you.  Lucky for us, there are a number of key individuals around the world who, like you, are awesome enough to step up and do what it takes to make a difference in their community. Together, we are Startup Grind.

Our Partners

We have partnered with Google for Startups - What does this mean? How can you leverage this network? - see all the answers HERE

Get Social

There are a few key ways you can get to know these superstars around the world.  The first one is in our private Slack group.  You can find the directions to join that here.  (Note - you will need to join using your SG email address and that isn’t available to you until about a week after you have complete the training.  So, bookmark this and come back to do it later!).  Another key place to interact is in our Facebook group.  You can request to join that one right away!  And, once you are approved please feel free to introduce yourself there.

Come Visit!

Last but not least, do plan to come and meet the entire team at the Global Conference in Silicon Valley each February.  Attending this event, and the retreat that follows, is like going away to camp with the coolest kids you’ll ever meet. ;)  Save the date and you’ll hear from us with details on agendas, costs (we subsidize much of the expense for you!), and more about 3 months before the event.

Welcome to the team!  You wouldn’t be here if we didn’t believe you have what it takes to make a difference.  Let's do this!

Next Lesson - Ongoing Help & Training