APR 2019 | SGEurope + SGWomen + Phishing Scams

Important Topics In This Newsletter

#SGEurope - Get your complimentary Director tickets #SGWomen - Our global campaign to champion female leaders
#RegionalConferences - Barcelona & LATAM #StartupProgram - How can you help?
#PhishingScam - Please be vigilant when opening emails #UpdateYourLogos - Please update them
#Resources - Links to cool things from our GFS Partners

Alex Rodríguez Bacardit (Chapter Director, Barcelona) at the opening of the Barcelona Conference

Alex Rodríguez Bacardit (Chapter Director, Barcelona) at the opening of the Barcelona Conference


Our second flagship conference of the year, Startup Grind Europe, is just around the corner and we’d be delighted if you can join us. Startup Grind Europe takes place in London from the 5th - 6th June 2019. We invite you to join us for Directors Day on the 5th June from 1pm - 4:30pm. Your complimentary tickets to Startup Grind Europe are available here. Additional details are available at the dedicated Directors website here.


For the 5th year running, we are proud to be hosting our #SGWomen month where we feature incredible female founders, inventors, and creators across our Startup Grind stages. Last year saw us host an impressive 200 events around the world for #SGWomen month. We want to surpass that number this year. Please remember to publish your events on the dashboard to ensure we have accurate stats.

Art Assets
Our talented Graphics Designer, Eugenia Digón, has once again created some fantastic Art Assets you can use for your #SGWomen events. These are available in Google Slides here (please remember  you need to be signed in with your startupgrind.com email account).  

SGWomen Facebook Frame:
The #SGWomen Facebook Frame for your profile pic will be available from April 30th. Just look for them with the tags “startup grind” or “sgwomen”.


With the Barcelona conference all wrapped up (well done to Alex and Team), focus now shifts to our next Regional Conference Startup Grind LATAM on the 25th April, led by another veteran Chapter Director Pablo Lascurain. Pablo was also named Chapter Director of the Year 2019. You can learn more about the LATAM regional conference here and if you are able to, we’re sure Pablo will give you a warm welcome to Mexico.


The Startup Program consists of the Startup Exhibition and the Accelerate Program and is designed to provide year-round support for the startups who exhibit at our Global and Europe conferences.

There are many ways Directors can help the Startup Team with this:

  • Refer top startups to apply to the Exhibition (post revenue and ideally with early traction) - if selected, you receive a referral bonus and they get a discount on their fees
  • Introduce us to top VCs who could partner with the program (e.g. by hosting Office Hours, helping with Startup Day, hosting a webinar, etc)

If you have additional questions or are looking to make referrals, please feel free to reach out to the Startup Team at startup@startupgrind.com.


We need your help to ensure that all of your art assets are up to date. This includes your Startup Grind chapter website, all social media accounts (Meetup, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), email signatures, printed banners, flyers, etc.

This month, please be sure to check and update all of your accounts so that we can be united when it comes to the Startup Grind brand.

For a refresher, here are our Guidelines on how to use the brand: https://help.startupgrind.com/article/453-brand-guidelines

#Phishing and Impersonation Scams

There have been a number of reported cases of Phishing and false impersonation emails being sent to Directors both via email and Facebook. Please be extra vigilant and report any suspicious emails/social media messages to ford@startupgrind.com. We have put together this very helpful article in our Directors Knowledge Base on what to look out for. 


Google Registry & WordPress.com website contest

If you’ve been thinking of launching your website or are trying to get it promoted, now’s a good time: Google Registry (https://registry.google/) and WordPress.com are running a competition for the best sites created through April 30, 2019. Nine winners will be selected based on their website’s user experience, user interface, originality, design and content clarity. Winners will receive a Pixel 3 phone or equivalent prize and the opportunity to be featured on one of Google Registry's websites (get.page, get.app and get.dev). You may already have a .dev, .app, or .page site that’s ready to enter. If not, it’s easy to get started. Details → https://safe.page

MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge 2019

MIT seeks startups and entrepreneurial organizations of any age, size, or type (for-profit or non-profit), located anywhere in the world that are creating economic opportunity for moderate and low-income earners. For more info or to apply, visit https://challenge.mitinclusiveinnovation.com/register

Thanks all and have a great week!

Derek, G, Candace, Bruce, Jelle, Farheen + Phin