2018 | Newsletters
- JAN 2018: California Love - Can’t wait to see you!
- FEB 2018: The Time of Our Lives - THANK YOU!
- MAR 2018: #SGWomen + Calendar + Check-in + New Team + SGEurope
- APR 2018: #SGWomen + SGEurope + Facebook + Team + VC Corner + Strip Atlas
- MAY 2018: #SGEurope + #SGParty
- JUN 2018: #SGEurope-Wrapup + #YearPlan + #ArtWork
- AUG 2018: #GoodbyeJan + #HelloFarheen + #SG300
- SEP 2018: #BevySystem + #SG300 + #600Chapters
- OCT 2018: #NewArtAssets + #GEW + #Global2019
- NOV 2018: New Logo - Same Values
- DEC 2018: #Global2019 + #StartupProgram + #YearEndParty