What are some newsletter best practices?

  1. Send a newsletter when you first publish the event.
  2. Send newsletters a week out and a day or two before.  
  3. You can also send a newsletter when the video from your previous event goes up.
  4. Drop images into your newsletter - see HERE

MailMerge Tags

To make it more personal, feel free to use MailMerge tags. You can do this from the Newsletter tool inside of the dashboard.

Simply type in *|FNAME|*

or, see what David S and David B are chatting about on slack below ;)

PLEASE NOTE: If your data is not correct (wrong first name for the email address), or you don't have First-Names.... it can do more harm, than good!

Hot tip: Subscribe here to newsletters for some inspiration: https://www.startupgrind.com/accounts/newsletters